大膽的顏色,超現實無框格的畫風都是 Bikutamalamia 獨有的溝通語言。
Bikutamalamia 藉著具牽動情感能力的繪畫圖案用於襪子設計上,
Bold = Expression
The surreal and frameless designs with bold colors is Bikutamalamia’s way to express ourselves. Our designs are affectionate. We believe that we are born to stay true to ourselves so we should all follow our own heart and we want to make this belief infectious, influencing people to join us.
Integrating our designs to socks reminds even the farthest parts to our heart of this stay-true-to-oneself belief and makes this belief down to earth to everyone.
顏色不只是一種溝通語言,Bikutamalamia 更是相信顏色具有治癒力量。
Bikutamalamia 棉襪上大膽搶眼的圖案都是由品牌主理人親手繪畫,再轉化成針織圖案。
Embellish the routine
‘Not just a way to express, colors can heal.’
Bikutamalamia socks are made of cotton which brings comfort to our skin and they have massive patterns in daring colours. Our socks make expressing yourselves comfortable and enlighten your boring routine.
Bikutamalamia 主理人本是修讀藝術,同時亦是一名花藝設計師,整個棉襪系列用上了手繪花卉圖案及大膽的顏色配搭,只因這兩項元素都為主理人帶來了正能量,同樣地主理人亦希望穿著者可感受同樣的力量。
The founder of Bikutamalamia is an Art major graduated in France and a florist. The use of floral patterns and bold colors in the whole series of socks is because the founder has experienced the positive influence created by these two elements and the founder hopes to induce this positivity through the floral designs.