Tiny Island Map
手握地圖 倍道而進
視街頭如舞台的藝術家 Mark Jenkins曾說:「讓人勇往直前,因為地圖讓一切有跡可循」
Tiny Island maps 不只是地圖,我們想做更多
Maps Encourage Boldness
Said by the great street artist Mark Jenkins, ‘Maps make anything seem possible.’
However, Tiny Island maps were created not only to serve their traditional purpose, but also to discover the possibility of a map.
每幅Tiny Island maps 都是獨立製作,人手絲網印製;用紙一絲不苟,精挑意大利無酸紙,
保存得宜,放置百年也不變質。Tiny Island map不是一般地圖,隨處可見,隨用隨棄;
Tiny Island maps 是藝術品,千夕以後,人仍會競相傳鈔,什襲以藏。
每幅Tiny Island maps 都會平鋪包裝,方便鑲於框內。
We Are All Perfectionists
We have to make sure every piece of our creations is excellence.
Therefore, each map was printed one by one, by hand, using old world silk screen technique. In order to make sure the art pieces could last for decades,
or even centuries, high-quality recycled Italian acid free paper was chosen. Each map was flat-packed to ensure the best result when framed.
一般地圖給人指路,帶人到目的地,Tiny Island map也可以;但Tiny Island map更帶美感。
藝術引人探求自我,Tiny Island maps 亦是我們的心內地圖,願你能從中探索自己的歸屬。
Draw the Map inside You
Maps lead people in a particular direction. With the uniqueness of the Tiny Maps, we wish to inspire you to find your way to your heart as we are doing and recording it down.