時尚玩味 留下香港印象

香港節奏迅速,文化風景瞬息萬變,大至過去天星小輪碼頭,小至見慣見熟的街景,總在不知不覺間悄然消失。過去香港有「City of Light」之稱,現代摩天大樓,舊區霓虹燈牌,兩者交織成香港獨有、享譽盛名的夜景。然而,近年建築條例收緊規管,戶外招牌正逐步拆卸,摩天大樓的燈飾亦大幅減少,街上萬家燈火的盛景不復見。

「美好的事物無法留住,但我們可以好好記住。」2018年,四個年輕人成立本土品牌 Playful Socks,他們懷着活力,希望用有趣玩味設計,點綴都市人衣着打扮。四人在構思設計時,選擇記錄自己喜愛的香港,於是先後推出香港小食和懷舊香港系列。而「HK Skyline Day & Night」則是新系列其中一款,系列以香港景點為主題,「HK Skyline」則記錄了維港的日與夜,將美麗的維港夜景定格。


過農曆年傳統很多,購買新衣物是其中一環。新年新氣象,更換全新行頭迎接全新一年,寄望擺脫過去一年棄舊迎新;穿上紅色衣物,喻意新一年鴻運當頭。The Playful Socks 一貫配合香港文化,日前推出新款式:「Dancing Lion」,以獅子搶青為主題,紅色襪子上有舞獅、炮仗和生菜圖案。獅子搶青是香港新年節慶表演,生菜諧音生財,舞獅吃掉生菜後吐在地上,祝福新一年遍地生財。既具傳統特色同時充滿玩味。

香港是一個多變的地方,本土文化轉型、外來文化輸入,這裡仿佛每一天都有新形態。Playful Socks 團隊一直孜孜不倦,用綿綿不絕的活力,以及對這座城市的愛,將當刻的珍貴畫面記住,將記憶中的美好復現。Playful Socks 2024年新款已在官方Online Store 上架,部分款式有在G.O.D.連鎖店實體展示,關注Playful Socks 最新動向,穿上最喜愛的香港印象。

Hong Kong is making a significant shift  from the "City of Light," known for its blend of neon dazzle and modernity, to a more subdued nightscape under  stricken regulations. t., Playful Socks emerged in 2018 with a statement  to the city's enduring vibrancy. In this evolving environment, the brand creatively documents Hong Kong's unique culture and landmarks through its designs, including the "Hong Kong Snacks" and "Nostalgic Hong Kong" series, embracing the sentiment that "Beautiful things cannot be preserved, but we can remember them well."

The "Dancing Lion" collection, with its lively depiction of lion dances and firecrackers, perfectly embodies the spirit of the Lunar New Year, blending tradition with modern flair to signify prosperity and good luck. It's a vibrant homage to the city's resilience and the joyous return of age-old celebrations in the post-pandemic era, and to welcome a joyful year ahead

Playful Socks not only captures the essence of Hong Kong's cultural heritage but also invites both locals and visitors to carry a piece of the city-artwork with them. Through its 2024 collection ,the brand offers a wearable connection to Hong Kong's legacy, ensuring that the city's story continues to be told and remembered fondly. Now available online and in select G.O.D. retail stores



